The Removed Austro-Hungarian Monuments

After political overthrows, the new government wanted to erase the memory of people and events to which certain monuments were dedicated, by removing them from the public space. After World War I and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, public monuments in Maribor dedicated to the members of the imperial family and to the people who were thought to have been connected to the Germans in a developing Yugoslavia were removed as well. This removal is a reminder of former national disputes between the Slovene and German populations in Maribor. It is also the reason for the diminished visual image of today's Trg generala Maistra (General Maister Square), the Town Park and the area in front of the Cadet School. The trail guides us to the monuments erected between 1882 and 1899 by the citizens of Maribor in the area north of the former town walls and on the right riverbank of the Drava River.